DOLE clarified that employees classified as #MARP or “Most-at-Risk” Persons and those who are between 18-21 y.o. may be allowed to report for work for eight (8) hours during the current quarantine restrictions, provided that they undergo a fit-to-work examination and secure a medical certificate from any competent authority (i.e. an occupational health physician or government physician with occupational health training) certifying the employee’s fitness to work for regular hours under Rule 1967 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

For other clarifications re: the provision of shuttle services, the requirement of isolation areas, and disinfection procedures under DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 2020-04-A, Series of 2020, you may read DOLE Advisory No. 20-02, Series of 2020.